Loop cards are a great game that can be played individually or as a class. They are perfect for review key vocabulary or questions at the end of a topic or when revising for an exam.
Cut out the cards from the paper horizontally (but don't cut them in half!) and then shuffle them.
Now start joining each question on the right hand side of the card to the matching answer on the next card.
Carry on until all the cards loop together and you have competed the game!
Hint: Make sure that you set your paper to portrait to print 4 cards per sheet of A4 paper.
Solid state devices that use NAND or NOR gates to store electronic data.
Assembly Language
A low-level language that uses mnemonic codes to represent individual machine instructions.
Object-oriented programming
A programming paradigm that uses objects to represent real-world concepts and encapsulates data and behavior within them.
Small amounts of memory within the CPU that are used to store data temporarily during processing.
Development Time
The amount of time it takes to write a program, from start to finish.
A program that reads and executes source code written in a high-level language directly, without first translating it into machine instructions.
Real-time Operating System
A Real-time Operating System is an operating system that guarantees a specific response time for critical operations, such as controlling industrial processes or scientific experiments.
Backup software
Backup software is a type of utility software that is used to create and maintain copies of important data, in case of accidental deletion, hardware failure, or other data loss events.
Hard disk drives
Magnetic devices that use spinning platters to store electronic data.
High-level programming language
A programming language that is easier for humans to understand and write than low-level languages like assembly language.