Printable Loopcards | Topic 4—Computational thinking, problem-solving and programming (45 hours) | IB Computer Science

What are loop cards?

Loop cards are a great game that can be played individually or as a class. They are perfect for review key vocabulary or questions at the end of a topic or when revising for an exam.


  1. Cut out the cards from the paper horizontally (but don't cut them in half!) and then shuffle them.
  2. Now start joining each question on the right hand side of the card to the matching answer on the next card.
  3. Carry on until all the cards loop together and you have competed the game!

Hint: Make sure that you set your paper to portrait to print 4 cards per sheet of A4 paper.

Edit Vocab

Sub-programmes can be used to manipulate collections by passing the collection as a parameter to the sub-programme and returning the modified collection.
What is an example of a pre-condition in software development?
A user inputting a valid email address when signing up for a service.
What are some common operations that can be performed on collections?
Common operations that can be performed on collections include adding or removing items, sorting, filtering, and iterating over the collection.
What are high-level programming languages and what are some examples?
High-level programming languages are languages that are easier for humans to understand and use, as they are closer to natural language. Some examples of high-level programming languages are Python, Java, and Ruby.
What is the importance of preconditions in programming?
Preconditions ensure that the input values to an algorithm meet the necessary requirements, which could prevent errors and ensure the algorithm outputs the intended result.
What is a subroutine?
A subroutine is another name for a sub-procedure.
What is algorithm construction?
Algorithm construction is the process of designing and implementing a step-by-step procedure for solving a specific problem or completing a specific task.
What are the advantages of using high level languages?
High level languages are more user-friendly, easier to read and write, and can be easily maintained and modified.
What is a fundamental operation of a computer?
A fundamental operation is a basic operation that a computer can perform, such as arithmetic and logical operations.
How can recognizing the impact of decisions and conditions on a system help us to be more effective problem solvers?
Recognizing the impact of decisions and conditions on a system can help us to anticipate potential problems and develop more effective solutions.
How can sub-programmes and collections be used together in programming?