Loop cards are a great game that can be played individually or as a class. They are perfect for review key vocabulary or questions at the end of a topic or when revising for an exam.
Cut out the cards from the paper horizontally (but don't cut them in half!) and then shuffle them.
Now start joining each question on the right hand side of the card to the matching answer on the next card.
Carry on until all the cards loop together and you have competed the game!
Hint: Make sure that you set your paper to portrait to print 4 cards per sheet of A4 paper.
Using images or videos as backgrounds can add visual interest and help to reinforce the content of the slide.
When should you use a summary slide?
You should use a summary slide to recap all the main points of your presentation.
What are some advanced techniques for Slide Master design?
Some advanced techniques for Slide Master design include creating multiple Slide Masters, using nested Slide Masters, and customizing individual layouts.
How can you customize and format Slide Master?
You can customize and format Slide Master by selecting the Slide Master tab, choosing the element you want to modify, and making the desired changes using the formatting options.
What are some characteristics of effective PowerPoint templates?
They should be visually appealing, easy to read, well-organized, and support the presenter's main message.
What types of slides can you apply Slide Master to?
You can apply Slide Master to any type of slide, including title slides, content slides, and even slide layouts.
What is the advantage of printing in color?
Printing in color makes handouts more visually appealing and easier to read, and can help to better convey important information.
What is the benefit of using advanced slide master techniques?
Using advanced slide master techniques can make your presentation more engaging and visually appealing.
What is the recommended file format for printing handouts and notes?
The recommended file format for printing handouts and notes is PDF, as it ensures that the document will appear the same on all devices and operating systems.
How do you choose appropriate images for your slides?
You should choose images that relate to your topic and help illustrate your message. Make sure they are high quality and in a suitable format.
What is the benefit of using images or videos as backgrounds on slides?