1 11 13
2 17
9 15
6 14
7 16

Crossword: Internet & World Wide Web


1. The process of combining and applying multiple CSS stylesheets and inline styles, resolving conflicts and producing the final style for an element.

2. Glyphs or characters used to represent emotions or convey feelings in an instant messaging client.

3. Internet Protocol version 6, the most recent version of the Internet Protocol, designed to succeed IPv4.

4. In HTML, a markup element is used to define the structure and presentation of a web page. These elements are enclosed in angle brackets, such as "< >".

5. The folder or section in an email client where incoming email messages are stored.

6. The process of associating a network layer address, like an IP address, with a data link layer address, such as a MAC address.

7. A database entry that provides information about a domain, such as its IP address.

8. The part of a domain name that comes after the final dot, such as .com.


9. The capability of a cloud storage client to allow users to access and work on their files even without an internet connection, with changes automatically synced when online.

10. Organizational containers within an email client where users can categorize and store their email messages.

11. A three-digit number is included in an HTTP response, serving as an indication of the status of the requested resource or the result of the requested action.

12. The process of automatically making files available on multiple devices by keeping them up-to-date across all platforms through cloud storage.

13. A human-readable address used to access resources on the internet.

14. The topmost DNS server in the hierarchical DNS system is the server at the highest level.

15. A software application or service that allows users to access, manage, and store data in a cloud storage system.

16. Unwanted or unsolicited email messages, usually consisting of advertisements or promotional content.

17. An HTML attribute used to define inline styles for a specific HTML element.

18. A small piece of data stored on the user's computer by the web browser while browsing a website.

19. A distinct title that designates a website on the Internet.



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