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Crossword: Ethical Issues & responsibilities


1. The clearing, destruction, or removal of forests to make land available for other uses, such as agriculture or urban development.

2. The process of creating products, services, and environments that are accessible, usable, and beneficial to as many people as possible, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

3. Provides a temporary monopoly on an invention, enabling the owner to regulate market entry and enhance financial returns.

4. The collection of data and information created from an individual's online activities and engagements that are left as evidence.

5. The ability to perform tasks and duties with skill, knowledge, and proficiency in a specific field.

6. The requirement to inform individuals and authorities of a security breach that involves their personal data.

7. A novel and useful creation, usually in the form of a product or process, resulting from human creativity and ingenuity.

8. The process of ensuring that individuals and organizations adhere to laws, regulations, and industry standards applicable to their activities.

9. A legal protection that grants exclusive rights to inventors for their innovative software solutions.

10. The unequal treatment or representation of individuals based on their gender in the tech industry.

11. Enabling individuals, particularly those from underrepresented groups, to gain confidence, skills, and opportunities to actively participate and succeed in computing fields.


12. A type of malicious software that encrypts a victim's data and demands a ransom payment in exchange for decrypting and restoring access.

13. Confidential or proprietary information that provides a competitive advantage to a company and is kept secret from the public, such as a software algorithm.

14. The process of independent learning and acquiring knowledge through books, online resources, and other learning materials.

15. The applications of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, often involving the creation or modification of machinery or processes.

16. Software that is initially provided for free, but requires payment after a trial period.

17. In the realm of IT, the conduct, mindset, and commitment demonstrated by IT professionals in the execution of their job duties is referred to as the standard expected.

18. A license that allows the buyer to use the software for commercial purposes, typically requiring a fee to be paid.



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