1 13/14
12 2
6 15

Crossword: Data Representation


1. A unit of digital information equal to 1,048,576 bytes, or 2^20 bytes.

2. The maximum extent of vibration or oscillation in a sound wave, representing the loudness or volume of the sound.

3. The process of assigning a numerical value to each character is the act of giving a specific numeric representation to each character.

4. The process of converting a number from binary to denary notation.

5. A technique used to convert a grayscale image into a binary image by dividing the pixel intensities based on a threshold value.

6. The number of bits used to represent the color of a single pixel in an image.

7. The difference in brightness between the lightest and darkest parts of an image, often used to enhance the visibility of details.

8. The number of bits that are processed or transmitted per unit of time, typically measured in bits per second (bps)

9. The brightness or darkness of a pixel in a grayscale image.

10. A unit of data transfer rate equal to one million bits per second.

11. Blurring of colors or bleeding of colors outside their boundaries in a compressed image


12. The number of bits used to represent the color of a single pixel.

13. A system of numerical notation using 2 instead of 10 as a base, with each place value written as a power of 2.

14. The process of converting a number from denary to binary notation.

15. Reduction of smooth gradients in an image to distinct bands of color due to compression

16. A six-digit code used to specify colors in the RGB color model.



Left: ⇤ Right: ⇥ Up: ↑ Down: ↓