1 14
13 2 19
8 7 17

Crossword: Ethical Issues & responsibilities


1. The process of ensuring that individuals and organizations adhere to laws, regulations, and industry standards applicable to their activities.

2. To treat others with esteem, consideration, and dignity, valuing their rights, opinions, and diversity.

3. The release of harmful substances or energy into the environment, resulting in negative impacts on living organisms and ecosystems.

4. Software that is owned by a specific organization or individual and cannot be freely modified or distributed.

5. A software license that grants users the right to use the software, without access to the source code.

6. The factors and laws that must be taken into account when making legal decisions, such as compliance with regulations, contracts, and ethical standards.

7. The disparity in access to reliable, high-speed internet connectivity.

8. A group of individuals living together as a community, often sharing common values, cultural practices, and social norms.

9. A widely used permissive license that allows for software reuse with minimal restrictions on how the software can be used.

10. the degree to which data correctly represents the real-world scenario or situation

11. A community of living organisms and their environment, interacting as a system.

12. The act of seeking revenge, punishment, or retribution against a person who reported harassment or misconduct.


13. The destruction, fragmentation, or degradation of a natural habitat.

14. The application of technology to optimize crop production, reduce the use of water, fertilizers, and pesticides, and minimize soil erosion and pollution.

15. The protection of personal information and sensitive data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

16. An unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or display of someone's intellectual property, such as using patented software without permission.

17. Confidential or proprietary information that provides a competitive advantage to a company and is kept secret from the public, such as a software algorithm.

18. The criteria that determine whether an invention can be granted a patent, typically requiring novelty, non-obviousness, and usefulness.

19. In the realm of IT, the conduct, mindset, and commitment demonstrated by IT professionals in the execution of their job duties is referred to as the standard expected.



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