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Crossword: Error Handling & Validation


1. A type of data validation that ensures a value is provided and not left blank or empty.

2. A boolean expression that determines whether a certain code block will be executed or skipped.

3. A symbol or word used to compare two values and produce a boolean result.

4. A testing technique that focuses on the functionality and behavior of a software system without examining its internal code structure.

5. A report that displays the sequence of function calls that led to the current point of execution in a program.

6. An error in the logic or algorithm of a program that causes incorrect results or unexpected behavior.

7. An error that occurs during arithmetic operations, such as division by zero or overflow/underflow.

8. The degree to which a software application or system has been tested, usually measured in terms of code coverage or functionality coverage.

9. A line of code that marks a specific point in the program where execution will pause for debugging purposes.

10. The combination of two or more strings into a single string.

11. A testing technique that focuses on testing the boundaries or limits of input values to uncover defects or errors.

12. A searching algorithm that divides a sorted array or list into halves, discarding the half that's known to not contain the target element.

13. A type of software testing performed to identify and eliminate all possible issues before releasing the software to the end-users.


14. A sequence of test steps that represent a particular usage or workflow of a software application or system.

15. A type of data validation that examines the structure and format of data to ensure it adheres to predefined rules.

16. A series of steps performed to confirm the correctness and validity of data.

17. A testing technique where specific code segments or modules are replaced with placeholder code to simulate the behavior of dependent components.

18. The practice of retesting previously tested software to ensure that changes or fixes have not introduced new defects or regression bugs.



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