1 17
3 15
18 19
14 16

Crossword: Encryption


1. A substitution cipher in which the symbol used to replace a letter varies depending on its position in the plaintext.

2. A method used in cryptography to try all possible combinations until the correct one is found

3. The study of analyzing and breaking encryption schemes

4. The encrypted form of a plaintext message

5. The encrypted message or data that is the result of an encryption process.

6. The horizontal lines of the zigzag pattern used to write the plaintext for the Rail Fence Cipher

7. A sequence of steps or instructions used to solve a problem or perform a task.

8. The process of converting plaintext into ciphertext in order to protect data

9. The practice of using the same key repeatedly in a cipher.

10. A transposition cipher that is created by writing the plaintext horizontally in a zigzag pattern, and then reading off the ciphertext vertically.

11. A cipher that rearranges the letters or symbols of a message without changing them.

12. A cipher that replaces each letter in the plaintext with a different letter, symbol, or number in the ciphertext.

13. A type of encryption where each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a different letter or symbol


14. A technique used to analyze and decipher encrypted messages by studying the frequency of occurrence of letters or symbols in the ciphertext.

15. A precomputed table used in password cracking to reverse cryptographic hash functions and quickly determine the original password.

16. A pattern that moves in a back-and-forth motion like a zigzag

17. The process of converting plaintext into ciphertext using a cryptographic algorithm and a key.

18. A mathematical operator used to perform division with remainder, often denoted by the percent symbol (%).

19. A cipher that uses a single alphabet to encrypt a message.



Left: ⇤ Right: ⇥ Up: ↑ Down: ↓