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Crossword: Structured Query Language


1. A clause in SQL that allows you to retrieve only rows from a table that meet specified criteria.

2. A SQL operation used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them.

3. The process of fetching specific data from a database based on certain criteria or conditions.

4. Values that are substituted into the SQL parameter query at runtime.

5. A keyword in SQL used to return only unique rows in the result of a query.

6. A method used to retrieve specific information from a database by creating a virtual table that combines data from multiple tables.

7. A DDL query used to change the name of an existing table.

8. A DDL query used to create a new table in a database.

9. A nested query in SQL that is placed within another query and is used to retrieve data from multiple tables.

10. A unique identifier for each record in a table.

11. The process of arranging rows in a SQL table in a specific order based on one or more columns.

12. Symbols used to represent parameter placeholders in a SQL statement.


13. A clause in SQL that is used to group rows based on one or more columns.

14. Security vulnerabilities that occur when user input is directly concatenated into SQL queries.

15. Structured Query Language, a popular database language used to manipulate and retrieve data.

16. A virtual table derived from the result of a database query, which can be treated like a regular table for data retrieval purposes.

17. A field in one table that refers to the primary key in another table.

18. A DDL query used to remove a column from an existing table.

19. A SQL statement that uses parameters to substitute variable values in the query.



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