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Crossword: Introduction to Algorithms


1. A set of rules used to encipher and decipher messages in a secure way.

2. The ability to identify similarities or commonalities among different problems or situations.

3. A symbol used in a flowchart to indicate an action taken in an algorithm.

4. An operation whose execution time remains unchanged regardless of input size.

5. The amount of memory or storage space required by an algorithm to solve a problem.

6. A control structure that enables a program to execute blocks of code depending on certain conditions.

7. A language used to describe programming concepts using a mix of natural language and programming code.

8. Software used to create and edit flowcharts.

9. An algorithm which searches for a specific element in a list or array.

10. A measure of how well an algorithm solves a problem, often in terms of time and computational resources required.

11. A symbol used in a flowchart to indicate a repetitive action in an algorithm.


12. Instructions written in a programming language that are capable of being executed by a computer.

13. A programming construct that decides the sequence in which blocks of code are executed.

14. A symbol used in a flowchart to indicate an input or data entry point in an algorithm.

15. Solving a problem by breaking it down into smaller subproblems and solving them independently.

16. The process of arranging data in a particular order.

17. A named storage location in memory that can store modifiable data.

18. A set of rules used to reduce the size of data by removing redundant information.

19. The amount of time an algorithm takes to run as a function of the input size.



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