1/10 12
11 4
14 15
9 13

Crossword: Data Representation


1. A grouping of symbols or letters that a computer or software can utilize.

2. The number of bits used to represent the color of a single pixel.

3. The number of colors that can be represented in an image or video.

4. The detail an image holds, often measured in DPI (dots per inch) or pixels.

5. A representation of sound in the form of an electrical voltage that can be processed and analyzed.

6. A type of microphone that uses electromagnetic induction to convert sound into an electrical signal.

7. The difference in brightness between the lightest and darkest parts of an image, often used to enhance the visibility of details.

8. A prefix used to represent a specific number of bytes in computing, with the base being 2.

9. A unit of digital information storage or transmission equal to one million bytes.


10. Blurring of colors or bleeding of colors outside their boundaries in a compressed image

11. The thin membrane in a microphone that vibrates in response to sound waves and converts the vibrations into an electrical signal.

12. A technique used to convert a grayscale image into a binary image by dividing the pixel intensities based on a threshold value.

13. Jagged or stair-stepped appearance of diagonal lines in compressed images

14. The structure and method for storing digital data, affecting how images are handled and displayed.

15. A type of microphone that uses a capacitor to convert sound into an electrical signal.



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