1/2/13 15 17
6 18
10 14

Crossword: Internet & World Wide Web


1. A top-level domain is the last part of a domain name that follows the final dot, such as .com, .org, or .net.

2. The part of a domain name that comes after the final dot, such as .com.

3. Software application used to access and view information on the World Wide Web.

4. Hypertext Markup Language, a standard system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on the World Wide Web.

5. The folder or section in an email client where incoming email messages are stored.

6. A decentralized naming system is employed to convert domain names into IP addresses.

7. Open Systems Interconnection model, a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a communication system into seven layers.

8. An indicator that shows the availability or current status of a user in an instant messaging client.

9. A file containing CSS code with a .css extension, used to define styles for HTML documents.

10. The higher-level domain from which the subdomain is created. It is often the main or primary domain.

11. The practice of modifying the media access control address of a network device to masquerade as a different device or to bypass access controls.

12. A database entry that provides information about a domain, such as its IP address.


13. In HTML, a markup element is used to define the structure and presentation of a web page. These elements are enclosed in angle brackets, such as "< >".

14. A file or document that is sent along with an email message.

15. A globally unique IP address that is assigned to a device connected to a public network.

16. A distinct title that designates a website on the Internet.

17. To copy or transfer data from a remote computer or server to a local device.

18. An HTML attribute used to define inline styles for a specific HTML element.



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