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Crossword: Choosing Test Data


1. Test data chosen at the lower and upper limits of input ranges to evaluate system behavior at edge cases

2. A technique used to select test data by randomly choosing data points from a larger set.

3. Data that deviates significantly from expected values or falls outside of predetermined limits.

4. The process of ensuring the system operates correctly under typical conditions.

5. Testing done to evaluate the ease of use and user-friendliness of a system

6. Testing performed without any formal test plan or pre-defined steps

7. A test design technique that focuses on testing all possible combinations of input parameters

8. A type of testing where test data is selected to validate the expected behavior or correct execution of the software.

9. A software testing technique that evaluates the system's response at the extremes of input values to ensure accuracy and performance.

10. Data that represents the actual usage scenarios, conditions, and environments in which the software will operate.

11. A type of testing where test data is intentionally selected to trigger error conditions or invalid inputs.

12. The rules or boundaries that define acceptable values for input within a system.


13. The measurement of the extent to which testing has covered a system

14. Data that lies within the expected range of input and adheres to the system's intended use.

15. The process of checking whether the input data meets defined criteria before processing.

16. Ensuring that all relevant and necessary data scenarios are covered during the testing process.



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