1 14
2 18
6 12
7 17

Crossword: Trace Tables


1. An error in a program that occurs during execution and results in abnormal program termination.

2. A boolean expression that determines whether a certain code block will be executed or skipped.

3. The value of a variable at the end of a program or a specific section of code.

4. The repetitive execution of a sequence of code until a specific condition is met.

5. A symbol or word used to compare two values and produce a boolean result.

6. A line of code that performs a specific action or sequence of actions in a program.

7. A storage location in a computer program that can hold different values at different times.

8. A symbol or word used to connect two or more boolean expressions and produce a new boolean result.

9. An error in a program due to improper use of programming language syntax.

10. The process of identifying and fixing errors or bugs in a program.

11. A named section of code that performs a specific task and can be called by other sections of code.


12. A table used to track the values of variables, expressions, and statements as a program is executed.

13. An error in a program due to incorrect logical reasoning or assumptions.

14. The value of a variable at the beginning of a program or a specific section of code.

15. A function that calls itself during execution.

16. An expression that can either be true or false.

17. A combination of values, variables, and operators that can be evaluated to produce a result.

18. The combination of two or more strings into a single string.



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