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1. A cipher that rearranges the letters or symbols of a message without changing them.
2. Blurring of colors or bleeding of colors outside their boundaries in a compressed image
3. Reducing the size of data without any loss of information.
4. An operation that moves the bits of a binary number to the left or right.
5. A data compression technique that assigns shorter codes to symbols that occur most frequently in a data stream.
6. The process of recovering passwords from data that has been stored or transmitted in an encrypted or hashed form.
7. A method of representing signed numbers using a sign bit and the magnitude of the number.
8. A method of encrypting alphabetic text using a series of different Caesar ciphers based on the letters of a keyword.
9. The number of bits used to represent the color of a single pixel.
10. A cipher that uses multiple alphabets to encrypt a message.
11. "A polyalphabetic cipher similar to the Vigenere Cipher, but using the plaintext itself as part of the key sequence in order to overcome a weakness observed in the original Vigenere Cipher."
12. The difference in brightness between the lightest and darkest parts of an image, often used to enhance the visibility of details.
13. The detail an image holds, often measured in DPI (dots per inch) or pixels.
14. A digital circuit that adds three binary digits (two operands and a carry) and produces the sum and carry as outputs.
15. The electrical power required by condenser microphones to operate, typically provided by an audio interface or mixer.
16. The process of converting plaintext into ciphertext in order to protect data
17. An image that consists of only two colors, typically black and white.
18. The vertical lines of the zigzag pattern used to read off the ciphertext for the Rail Fence Cipher
19. An operator that returns the opposite of a logical value.