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Crossword: Networks & the internet


1. Attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in a physical system, such as tampering with hardware or interrupting power supply.

2. Software designed to detect and remove malicious software, such as viruses, from computer systems.

3. The transmission of information between devices without the use of physical connections or cables.

4. Malicious software designed to harm or exploit computers or networks.

5. The percentage of data packets that are lost or discarded during transmission on a network.

6. A social engineering tactic where attackers pretend to be someone else to deceive individuals and gain access to confidential information.

7. The topmost DNS server in the hierarchical DNS system is the server at the highest level.

8. A social engineering technique that involves offering something enticing to trick individuals into revealing information or taking action.

9. Computer networks utilize physical cables or wires to transmit data and establish connections between devices.

10. A mode of communication that allows the NIC to send and receive data simultaneously.

11. A network topology where all the devices or nodes can act as both clients and servers to each other.

12. The ability to send and receive text-based messages within an instant messaging client.

13. The physical or logical arrangement of devices and connections in a network is defined by the organization and structure of network components.


14. A secure network connection that allows remote users to access a private network over the internet securely.

15. Organizational containers within an email client where users can categorize and store their email messages.

16. Malware that secretly gathers information about a person or organization without their consent.

17. Homes that are equipped with various smart devices and appliances that can be controlled and automated through personal area networks.

18. A device or software component that enables a computer to connect to a network.



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