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Crossword: Python Coding


1. A specific set of inputs, conditions, and expected results used to determine whether a software system is functioning correctly.

2. A data structure that connects individual records in a linear order.

3. The total number of elements in a 2-dimensional array.

4. The total number of elements that can be stored in an array.

5. Ensuring that data follows a defined structure or schema.

6. A type of data validation that verifies if a value falls on the lower or upper boundary of an acceptable range.

7. An error in the logic or algorithm of a program that causes incorrect results or unexpected behavior.

8. A named section of code that performs a specific task and can be called by other sections of code.

9. The individual items or values stored within an array.

10. Written information, guides, or tutorials that provide instructions and explanations on how to use the framework library.


11. A combination of values, variables, and operators that can be evaluated to produce a result.

12. Used to check if a value does not exist in a sequence.

13. A function that calls itself during execution.

14. A testing technique that focuses on the functionality and behavior of a software system without examining its internal code structure.

15. The number of characters in a string

16. Checking if two strings have the same value

17. A testing technique that examines the internal code structure of a software system to identify any defects or vulnerabilities.

18. Keeping track of different versions of subprogram libraries to manage updates and bug fixes.



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