1 15
14 18
6 17
9 16
11 12

Crossword: Python Coding


1. A loop that repeats a block of code as long as a specified condition is true.

2. A testing technique that focuses on the functionality and behavior of a software system without examining its internal code structure.

3. An operator that takes Boolean values as inputs and produces a Boolean value as output.

4. A value that is passed to a function or procedure when it is called.

5. A Segment of code that perform a specific task and can be called from within a program.

6. Repetition refers to the process of executing a block of code or a set of instructions repeatedly.

7. A data structure that allows you to store and organize multiple pieces of related information in a single unit.

8. The position of the first character to include in the slice.

9. A type of data validation that ensures a value is provided and not left blank or empty.

10. The act of executing a function or procedure.

11. Retrieving the value of a specific element in an array using its index.

12. An error that occurs when a floating-point operation results in a value too large to be represented.

13. The act of recording the execution flow of a program, including function calls and parameter values, for debugging and analysis.


14. A searching algorithm that divides a sorted array or list into halves, discarding the half that's known to not contain the target element.

15. Numbers with a fractional part represented by decimal notation.

16. A value that remains unaltered throughout the execution of a program.

17. An error that occurs during the execution of a program, leading to abnormal termination or unexpected behavior.

18. Removing an element from a specific position in an Array.



Left: ⇤ Right: ⇥ Up: ↑ Down: ↓