1/11 12 13

Crossword: Data Representation


1. The electrical power required by condenser microphones to operate, typically provided by an audio interface or mixer.

2. A status indicator in a CPU that signals when an arithmetic operation has produced a result lower than the minimum value representable.

3. A polygraphic substitution cipher that uses a 5x5 table containing a keyword or phrase to encrypt pairs of plaintext letters.

4. Images that closely resemble real-life photographs, requiring more detail than vector graphics can provide.

5. A cipher that replaces each letter in the plaintext with a different letter, symbol, or number in the ciphertext.

6. The process of analyzing encrypted information to decipher the original message or data.

7. A type of bitwise operation that shifts the bits of a binary number, without taking account of the sign of the number.

8. An image consisting of varying shades of a single color, usually black or white, but can also be other colors.

9. Visual representations that are commonly created using vector graphics.

10. A method of data representation that uses two digits, namely 0 and 1.


11. The process of recovering passwords from data that has been stored or transmitted in an encrypted or hashed form.

12. A security feature that locks a user's account after a specified number of failed authentication attempts.

13. A substitution cipher in which each letter is replaced with a single, fixed symbol throughout the ciphertext.

14. The condition where a mathematical operation results in a number that is too small to be represented in binary form.



Left: ⇤ Right: ⇥ Up: ↑ Down: ↓