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Crossword: Networks & the internet


1. The process of verifying the identity of a user by requiring them to provide a password.

2. An HTML attribute used to define inline styles for a specific HTML element.

3. A unique value used to identify the packet, primarily for reassembly purposes.

4. The range of radio frequencies used for wireless communication, such as 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.

5. The process of invalidating a digital certificate before its expiration date.

6. A protocol used for sending and receiving email over the internet.

7. A type of HTTP cookie that is stored on the user's computer for a longer period of time and remains even after closing the web browser.

8. A software application or service that allows users to access, manage, and store data in a cloud storage system.

9. A unit of data transmitted over a network comprises a header and payload, which contain the actual information being sent.

10. The process of securely exchanging keys between parties in asymmetric encryption.

11. A type of network topology in which each node is connected to every other node, forming a fully interconnected network.

12. A database entry that provides information about a domain, such as its IP address.


13. A globally unique IP address that is assigned to a device connected to a public network.

14. The power level of the radio signal transmitted between devices in a wireless network, measured in decibels (dBm).

15. A facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems.

16. Domain Name System – a system used to translate human-readable domain names (e.g., www.example.com) into IP addresses (e.g., that computers can understand.

17. The ability of a system or network to consistently perform its intended functions accurately and without failure.

18. A controlled attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in a network to assess its level of security.

19. The process of storing and serving website or application files on a server, making them accessible via the internet.



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