In a pulley system, the pulley is attached to a stationary object, such as a ceiling or a beam. The primary purpose of a fixed pulley is to change the of the force applied. When you pull down on one end of the rope or cable attached to the fixed pulley, the load attached to the other end moves .
While a fixed pulley doesn't provide any mechanical advantage in terms of reducing the amount of force required, it does make it easier to lift a load in certain situations by allowing you to change the of the force. Unlike fixed pulleys, movable pulleys provide a mechanical advantage by reducing the amount of required to lift a load.
In a movable pulley system, the pulley is attached to the object being moved. The rope or cable is threaded through the movable , and one end is attached to a fixed point. When you pull down on one end of the rope or cable, the load attached to the movable pulley moves up, and the required is only a fraction of the weight of the load.
direction | pulley | up | direction | force | force | fixed |