policies are crucial in determining the order in which s or es are executed. One common is the , which schedules tasks based on their . This non- policy ensures that the tasks are executed in the same order they arrive in the system. However, this can lead to longer turnaround and s for tasks with larger s.
In contrast, preemptive scheduling policies allow for the interruption of tasks based on certain criteria, such as their or priority level. This can result in a more efficient use of resources and reduced s. is a key concept in s, as it allows for between tasks and can prevent of low-priority tasks.
One commonly used preemptive scheduling algorithm is the , which schedules tasks in a round-robin fashion with a fixed . This ensures that no task monopolizes the CPU for an extended period, and prevents long waiting times for other tasks. is a variation of that allows for tasks to be scheduled earlier if their execution time is shorter than the time quantum.
Overall, the choice of scheduling algorithm and policy can have a significant impact on the overall system performance, including turnaround time, waiting time, and resource utilization. It is crucial to consider factors such as , execution time, and burst time when designing and implementing a scheduling policy for efficient task execution.
starvation | burst time | time quantum | execution time | context switching | task | preemptive | round robin scheduling | waiting time | scheduling algorithm | backfilling | arrival time | preemption | round robin process scheduling | first come first served scheduling | policy | arrival order | turnaround time | scheduling | process |