Traffic Lights

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A traffic light control system is a critical element of road traffic management that regulates the flow of vehicles and pedestrians at intersections. Its primary function is to enhance road safety and ensure smooth traffic flow by coordinating signals to prevent and manage .

Components of traffic light control systems include traffic signals, which are lights that signal vehicles to indicate whether to or go. The controllers act as the brain of the system, managing the timing and coordination of lights, while detectors, such as inductive loop detectors or infrared sensors, detect the presence of vehicles and adjust traffic signal timing based on at the intersection.

Traffic light control systems can be categorized into several types, including fixed-time systems, which follow a predetermined cycle and may lead to , actuated systems that adjust timing based on actual traffic conditions, and adaptive control systems that use real-time traffic data to signals across multiple intersections. Traffic signal timing can vary as well, with pre-timed control having fixed intervals, semi-actuated control where only certain phases are triggered, and fully-actuated control influenced by real-time data from sensors.


accidents | inefficiencies | optimize | demand | congestion | stop |