The operator is used to combine two or more conditions in a Python program. It returns True only if the conditions are true; otherwise, it returns False. For example, if you have variables x, y, and z assigned values of 5, 10, and 15 respectively, and you check the condition if x < y and y < z, it would output that conditions are true.
The operator combines two or more conditions and returns True if at least of the conditions is true. If all conditions are false, it returns False. Continuing with our earlier example, if you have x = 5, y = 10, and z = 15, and you check the condition if x < y or y > z, it would output that at least one condition is .
The operator negates a condition in a Python program. It returns True if the condition is false, and False if the condition is true. For instance, with x = 5, if you check the condition if not x > 10, it would output that the is false. In Python, logical operators follow the order of precedence where NOT has the highest precedence, followed by AND, and then , meaning NOT operations are evaluated first.
In practical terms, if you write an expression like result = not (x < y) and (y < z), it evaluates as false and true, resulting in False. Alternatively, in the expression result = (x < y) or (y < z) and (x > z), the OR is evaluated last, leading to True. Understanding these operators and their precedence is essential for writing correct and efficient .
true | and | condition | or | code | both | one | not | or | all |