Image Compression

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]] is a crucial technique used to reduce the size of digital images, allowing for storage and transmission. There are two major approaches to image compression: and .

Lossy compression is a widely used method that achieves higher compression ratios by discarding some image that is considered less important. One popular lossy compression algorithm is the (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format, which uses a combination of Discrete Cosine Transform () and techniques to remove perceptually insignificant details from an image. By adjusting the , users can control the level of compression and trade-off between file size and image quality.

On the other hand, lossless compression algorithms, like (Graphics Interchange Format) and (Portable Network Graphics), aim to reduce file size without any loss of image quality. These algorithms perform different techniques such as (RLE) to replace repeated pixels with efficient encoding schemes, resulting in smaller file sizes while preserving the original image data intact.


png | consecutive | bitrate | gif | lossy compression | lossless compression | data | run length encoding | image [[compression | quantization | efficient | dct | jpeg |