Variables & Constants

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In computer programming, are used to store and manipulate data. They are like containers that hold values of different . , on the other hand, are similar to variables but their values cannot be changed once they are assigned.

When declaring a variable or constant, you specify its data type, which determines the kind of values it can hold. Common data types include integers, floats, characters, and boolean values. The is the process of introducing a variable or constant to the program, providing information about its name and data type.

After declaration, variables and constants can be assigned values using statements. An assignment involves placing a value into the variable or constant. This can be done using the assignment operator, which is typically denoted by the "=" symbol.

The of a variable or constant refers to the part of the program where the variable can be accessed. A is one that can be accessed from any part of the program, whereas a is limited to a specific portion of the program, such as a function or block of code.

In addition to variables and constants, s can also be used in programming. A constant expression is an expression that consists only of values, operators, and literals. Once evaluated, its value cannot be changed during program execution.

is a feature in some programming languages that allows the compiler or interpreter to automatically determine the data type of a variable based on its value and how it is being used in the program. This helps to simplify the declaration and assignment process, as the programmer does not need to explicitly specify the data type.


scope | local variable | constants | type inference | global variable | constant expression | data types | variables | assignment | declaration |