In computer programming, and are fundamental concepts for controlling the flow of a program. Sequencing refers to the specific order in which statements are executed, allowing the program to perform actions in a predetermined manner. On the other hand, selection involves making decisions or choosing between alternative paths based on certain s.
To implement selection, programmers often use control structures such as s and s. An if statement is a conditional statement that evaluates a condition and executes a block of code if the condition is true. It allows the program to follow different s depending on the result of the condition. The condition is typically expressed as a expression, which is an expression that evaluates to either true or false.
A switch statement is another type of selection statement that selects one of several code blocks to be executed. It evaluates a condition, known as the switch expression, and then compares it to various cases. Each case represents a specific value or range of values that the switch expression may match. The program will execute the block of code associated with the first matching case. If none of the cases match, a can be included to specify the code to be executed when no other cases match.
Conditional statements like if statements and switch statements give programmers the ability to execute different sections of code based on specific conditions. Additionally, the flexibility of s allows for more complex decision-making scenarios. In a nested if statement, another if statement is included within the block of code executed for one of the conditions. This nesting can be repeated multiple times, creating a branching structure that determines the execution path based on different conditions.
execution path | selection | boolean | if statement | switch statement | condition | sequencing | nested if statement | default case |