Indefinite Iteration

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refers to a type of that repeats a block of code until a certain condition is met. In programming, loops are essential for automating repetitive tasks. There are several types of loops, including the , , and .

The while loop is a that continues executing the code block as long as a given condition remains true. This loop is useful when the number of iterations is not known beforehand. On the other hand, the do-while loop is similar to the while loop, but it guarantees that the code block is executed at least once before checking the condition.

To control the flow of execution within a loop, we can utilize break and s. The terminates the innermost loop it is used in, immediately exiting the loop. On the other hand, the continue statement skips the remaining code in the current iteration and proceeds to the next iteration. These statements enable flexibility and help in fine-tuning loop execution.

While loops, do-while loops, and for loops can result in s if the termination condition is not appropriately defined. Infinite loops can lead to programs getting stuck and can be detrimental if not handled carefully. Thus, it is essential to ensure that loops have well-defined exit conditions.

Overall, loops and are crucial concepts in programming for executing repetitive tasks efficiently. Understanding different types of loops, using appropriate control statements, and avoiding infinite loops help in creating robust and functional programs.


infinite loop | for loop | loop | while loop | control flow | conditional loop | break statement | do-while loop | indefinite iteration | continue statement |