The is used to store s, which include . refers to the number of digits that can be accurately represented in a floating-point number. deals with mathematical operations on floating-point numbers.
A floating-point number can encounter various issues during calculations. For example, an occurs when the result of a calculation is too large to be represented by the available floating-point precision. Conversely, an occurs when the result of a calculation is too small to be accurately represented.
s are triggered when exceptional situations arise during floating-point calculations. These exceptions may include division by zero or invalid operations. Handling these exceptions appropriately is important to ensure the correct behavior of a program.
A is a numeric value represented in a floating-point format. It can include both whole numbers and decimal fractions. These constants provide a convenient way to use and manipulate floating-point numbers in programming languages.
In cases where higher precision is required, numbers can be used. These numbers provide twice the precision compared to the float data type. As a result, they can represent larger decimal numbers and perform calculations with increased accuracy.
floating-point precision | double-precision floating-point | floating-point number | decimal numbers | floating-point arithmetic | float data type | overflow | floating-point exception | underflow | floating-point constant |