
Fill in the blanks

is a coding approach that supports dividing a program into smaller, manageable modules, allowing for better organization and code reusability. One essential aspect of modular programming is the use of , such as s and s, which allow for the breaking down of complex tasks into smaller, more manageable units of code.

A function is a subprogram that performs a specific task and returns a value. It is defined by using the keyword 'Function' followed by a name, a list of s within parentheses, and a return type. are variables that are passed to a subprogram, in this case, , to provide data or information that the function may require to perform its task. These parameters are also commonly referred to as s.

On the other hand, a procedure is a subprogram that performs a specific task but does not return a value. It is defined using the 'Procedure' keyword, followed by a name and a list of parameters within parentheses. Similarly, these parameters are often referred to as .

s are functions that call themselves within their own body. This technique, known as , is an efficient way to solve problems that require repetitive computations. By breaking down a problem into smaller, identical subproblems, a recursive function can reach a base case, which eventually allows the recursive calls to terminate.

refers to the region within a program where a variable can be accessed. In modular programming, subprograms have their own scope, meaning the variables declared within them are . These variables can only be accessed within the subprogram where they are defined.

To transfer control between subprograms, we use the . This statement allows us to invoke a function or procedure, passing any required arguments. The call statement can also retrieve the return value from a function if applicable.

Overall, modular programming embraces the concepts of subprograms, functions, , parameters, arguments, recursion, scope, , call statement, and local variables to create well-organized and reusable code. By following these principles, programmers can develop more efficient and maintainable software.


call statement | parameters | recursion | functions | local variables | arguments | recursive function | subprograms | scope | function | procedures | parameter | argument | modular programming | return statement | procedure |