Binary Shifts & Overflow

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is a condition that occurs when the result of a mathematical operation exceeds the maximum value that can be represented within a given number of bits. is an operation that moves the bits in a number to the left or right. can be either left shifts or right shifts. is a binary shift operation that moves the bits of a number to the left. It is denoted by the symbol "<<". , on the other hand, is a binary shift operation that moves the bits of a number to the right and is denoted by the symbol ">>".

is a type of binary shift that fills the empty spaces created by shifting with zeros. It does not consider the sign bit and is used in unsigned numbers. , on the contrary, fills the empty spaces with the original sign bit when shifting right. This is particularly useful in signed numbers, as it maintains the sign of the number.

During a binary shift operation, a , sometimes referred to as the overflow bit, may be generated when shifting bits beyond the number's range. The carry bit can be used in further calculations or operations. The refers to the number of positions the bits are shifted left or right during a binary shift operation. It determines how far the bits will move and has an impact on the final result.


binary shift | overflow | arithmetic shift | shift amount | shift right | binary shifts | logical shift | shift left | carry bit |