The , also known as the , is a widely used color system in computer graphics and digital imaging. It is based on the concept of combining red, green, and blue light together to create a broad spectrum of colors. In this model, each color is represented by a combination of the intensity levels of the three primary colors.
To specify colors in the RGB color model, different methods can be used, and one popular approach is through the use of s. A , short for hexadecimal code, is a six-digit alphanumeric value that represents a specific color.
, another important aspect of the RGB color model, refers to the number of bits used to represent each primary color. The higher the color depth, the more distinct colors can be created. For example, a color depth of 24 bits allows for approximately 16.8 million different colors to be displayed.
hex code | additive color mixing | rgb color model | color depth | hex color code |