Input-Process-Output Model

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The -- ]] is a fundamental concept in s theory and computer science. It represents the flow of data through a system by breaking it down into three components: Input, Process, and Output.

is an integral part of the Input-Process-Output Model. It represents the movement of data from the Input to the Process and finally to the Output. The flow can be unidirectional, where data moves only in one direction, or bidirectional, allowing and communication between different parts of the system.

plays a significant role in this model as it allows us to focus on the essential aspects and hide unnecessary details. It simplifies the representation of the system, making it more manageable and understandable.

Furthermore, Feedback and mechanisms are crucial elements in the Input-Process-Output Model. Feedback allows the system to monitor and adjust its performance based on the output it generates. It enables self-correction and adaptation to ensure the desired outcome. Control mechanisms are utilized to regulate and manage the flow and behavior of the system, ensuring efficient and effective operation.


model | data flow | [[input | control | output | abstraction | process | feedback | system |