In computer programming, are used to systematically track and analyze the behavior of a program. They are especially useful when working with s, s, and s. A variable is a named storage location that can hold a , and an expression is a combination of variables, constants, and operators that evaluates to a value. A statement, on the other hand, is an instruction that performs a specific action or controls the flow of a program.
Each variable has an and can change its value as the program executes. The of a variable at the end of the program depends on the it goes through. An iteration is a repetitive cycle that continues until a specific is met. The condition is usually expressed as a , which evaluates to either true or false, using logical and s.
is a process of joining two or more strings together to create a new string. It is commonly used when working with text or combining variables and strings. When writing code, is a crucial step to identify and fix errors. Errors can be classified into different types, such as s, s, and s.
s play a significant role in programming, allowing code to be organized into modular and reusable components. They can be called upon to perform specific tasks or calculations. is a powerful technique in programming, where a function calls itself to solve a problem by breaking it down into smaller, repetitive instances.
runtime error | condition | debugging | function | expression | logic error | initial value | trace tables | boolean expression | concatenation | statement | iteration | value | variable | relational operator | final value | recursion | syntax error |