When it comes to evaluating network performance, several factors play a crucial role. , also known as , determine how quickly data can be transmitted between devices. Both and contribute to the overall bandwidth. Download speed refers to the rate at which data is received from the internet, while upload speed indicates the rate at which data is sent to the internet.
is another essential component of network performance, often measured using . It represents the time delay between sending a request to a server and receiving a response. Lower latency values indicate a more responsive network, whereas higher values can lead to delays in data transfer.
is a measure of the amount of data transferred per unit of time and encompasses both upload and download speeds. A high throughput means data can be transmitted quickly and in large quantities.
refers to the variation in latency over time and can result in inconsistent network performance. It is particularly important for real-time applications like video conferencing or online gaming, where a stable and predictable network is crucial to ensure a smooth experience.
mechanisms are employed to manage network resources effectively. These mechanisms aim to prioritize certain types of traffic based on predefined rules, ensuring that critical applications receive the necessary bandwidth and low latency while maintaining the overall network performance.
refers to the situation where data packets fail to reach their intended destination. It can occur due to various reasons such as network congestion or faulty connections. Packet loss can affect the reliability and efficiency of data transmission, especially for real-time applications.
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