s are essential components in digital electronics and computer programming. They are used to combine multiple conditions and evaluate them as a single unit. The most commonly used logical operators include the , , , , and XNOR operator.
The AND operator, denoted by the symbol "&&", returns true only if both conditions it connects are true. It acts like a switch, requiring all inputs to be active in order for the output to be active. This concept is also implemented in known as s.
On the other hand, the OR operator, denoted by the symbol "||", returns true if at least one of the conditions it connects is true. It allows for multiple inputs to be active, resulting in an active output. Correspondingly, s in logic circuits perform the same function, where the output is active if any of the input signals are active.
The NOT operator, represented by the exclamation mark symbol "!", is a unary operator. It reverses the logical state of the operand it precedes. If the operand is true, the NOT operator will return false, and vice versa. In logic circuits, s are responsible for inverting the input signal.
The XOR operator, abbreviated for exclusive OR, returns true when only one of the conditions it connects is true. It excludes the scenario where both conditions are true. Similarly, s are used in digital circuits to produce an output only when the number of active inputs is odd.
Logic gates, such as the AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate, , , XOR gate, and , are the physical implementations of these logical operators in computer hardware. They allow for the manipulation and processing of binary data, enabling calculations and decision-making within digital systems.
For arithmetic applications, s and s extensively use logical operations to perform addition operations in binary form. A half adder is capable of adding two single binary digits, while a full adder can add two binary digits along with a carry input. These modules utilize logic gates to achieve the desired arithmetic outputs.
nor gate | and operator | xor gate | nand gate | xnor gate | not gate | logical operator | not operator | and gate | or operator | full adder | or gate | logic gates | xor operator | half adder |