In programming, are used to store and manipulate data. They can hold different values during the execution of a program. , on the other hand, are values that remain unchanged throughout the program. They are useful when certain values need to be fixed and not modified.
are used to categorize variables and constants based on the kind of data they can hold. Common data types include integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and Boolean values. If a variable or constant is declared without specifying a data type, allows the programming language to automatically determine the appropriate data type based on its initial value.
The of a variable or constant involves specifying its name and data type. This is essential for the programming language to allocate memory and reserve space accordingly. Once a variable or constant is declared, it can be assigned a value using the operator. The assigned value should be compatible with the data type declared.
The of a variable or constant determines the part of the program where it is accessible. A can be accessed from any part of the program, whereas a is only accessible within a specific block of code, such as a function. This allows for better control and organization of data within a program.
A refers to an expression that evaluates to a constant value. It can be used in situations where a value needs to be computed at compile-time and remain constant throughout the program's execution.
scope | assignment | data types | constant expression | local variable | constants | variables | type inference | declaration | global variable |