A is a fundamental concept in programming that allows for the repetition of a specific block of code. There are several types of loops that can be utilized within a program to achieve different iterative functionalities.
One such type is the , which involves placing one loop inside another. This allows for a more complex pattern, where the inner loop is executed multiple times for each iteration of the outer loop. The use of nested loops provides flexibility in solving problems that require intricate and repetitive operations.
, also known as a "," is another extensively used loop construct. It allows for the repeated execution of a specific block of code for a predetermined number of times. A for loop typically consists of a , an or operation, and a condition to control the flow of the loop.
In contrast, the "" is a type of indefinite iteration, where the loop continues to execute as long as a certain condition holds true. This allows for greater flexibility as the number of iterations depends on the specified condition rather than the predefined count. It is important to ensure that the condition eventually evaluates to false, preventing an infinite loop.
is an integral aspect of loops, dictating the path the program takes depending on certain conditions or criteria. It determines when to enter or exit a loop, which direction to take within nested loops, or when to move to the next iteration. Control flow statements, such as break or continue, provide additional control mechanisms within loops, allowing for more precise iterations based on specific conditions.
loop | for loop | control flow | iteration | nested loop | counter | while loop | decrement | increment | definite iteration |