Strings Methods & String Manipulation

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String methods are widely used in programming for . One of the most common methods is , which allows us to combine multiple strings into a single string. By using the "+" operator, we can easily concatenate two or more strings together.

Another useful method is , which enables us to extract a portion of a string based on its starting and ending indexes. By specifying the desired indexes, we can retrieve a specific substring from a longer string.

The method is used to determine the number of characters in a string. By calling this method on a string, we can obtain the length of the string, which can be beneficial for various tasks.

plays a crucial role in string manipulation. Each character in a string is assigned an index, starting from zero. By using indexing, we can access and manipulate individual characters within a string.

methods are useful for changing the case of characters in a string. For instance, the toUpperCase and toLowerCase methods allow us to convert all characters to uppercase or lowercase, respectively.

is a common operation in string manipulation, where we substitute specific characters or substrings with new ones. By using the replace method, we can find and replace occurrences of a target within a string effortlessly.

is another useful method when dealing with strings. It allows us to split a string into an array of substrings based on a specified delimiter. This can be beneficial in scenarios where we need to process individual parts of a string separately.

methods are employed to eliminate leading and trailing white spaces from a string. These methods are useful when dealing with user inputs, as they ensure that no extra spaces interfere with the desired logic.


trimming | splitting | substring | case conversion | concatenation | indexing | string manipulation | replacing | length |