The is a design concept for a , which is the foundation of most modern computers. At the heart of this architecture is the (CPU), responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. plays a crucial role in storing both data and instructions.
During the execution of a program, the CPU follows a sequence of steps called the instruction cycle. This cycle consists of four stages: , , , and the storage of results. The is responsible for coordinating and controlling these stages.
The CPU is composed of several key components. The performs mathematical operations and logical comparisons. The facilitates communication between the computer and external devices, allowing for data input and output.
To facilitate the transfer of data and instructions between different components, a set of electrical pathways called es are used. The carries control signals between the CPU and other components, such as memory and I/O devices. The transfers data between the CPU and external devices. Finally, the specifies the location in memory for data transfer.
s, small high-speed storage units, are used to hold temporary data during processing. The serves as a primary storage location for intermediate results. The keeps track of the memory address of the next instruction to be fetched. The holds data being transferred between memory and the CPU. The keeps track of the memory location being accessed. Finally, the holds the currently executing instruction.
control unit | data bus | accumulator | instruction register | instruction decode | register | address bus | instruction execution | memory data register | program counter | arithmetic logic unit (alu) | input/output (i/o) | control bus | central processing unit | stored-program computer | von neumann architecture | memory | bus | instruction fetch | memory address register |