Operating Systems

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An (OS) is a software program that manages the resources and provides services for computer programs. It enables , allowing multiple applications to run simultaneously on the same system. Additionally, an OS implements functionality, allowing multiple users to access and use the computer simultaneously.

The is the core component of an OS, acting as the bridge between software and hardware. It manages hardware resources, handles requests, and facilitates communication between different software components.

Depending on the OS, users can interact with the system through different interfaces, such as the (CLI) or the (GUI). The CLI enables users to input commands via text for system operations, while the GUI offers a visual representation for ease of use.

A is used by the OS to organize and manage data stored on storage devices. It defines the structure and naming conventions for files and directories. To interact with hardware, an OS utilizes s which allow communication between the OS and specific hardware components.

is a technique used by the OS to efficiently manage memory resources. It allows the OS to use a portion of the hard disk as additional memory when the physical memory becomes full. This ensures that running es can continue without being hindered by memory constraints.

A Process in an OS refers to a program in execution. It consists of an executable file, associated data, and system resources allocated for its execution. Meanwhile, a is a unit of execution within a process, allowing multiple sequences of instructions to be executed concurrently.

is a situation where two or more processes are unable to proceed because each is waiting for the other to release a resource. This leads to a standstill in the system's operation, requiring specific strategies to resolve the deadlock.

The is a file system used for organizing and managing files on a storage device, typically used in older versions of Windows. is a process that rearranges fragmented files on a disk to improve access speed and efficiency.

is a technique used to reduce the size of a file, making it more convenient for storage and transmission. , on the other hand, is a process of converting data into a code to secure it from unauthorized access.

s are functions provided by the OS that allow user applications to request services from the OS kernel. They enable applications to perform tasks such as opening files, writing to disk, or managing memory.

During startup, the is responsible for loading the OS into memory and initiating the boot process. It ensures that the system reaches a state where the OS can take control. In graphical environments, the is a region on the taskbar that displays icons representing various system and application functions, providing quick access to frequently used features.


file allocation table (fat) | command line interface | multi-user | file compression | operating system | file system | deadlock | process | system tray | disk defragmentation | interrupt | thread | kernel | multi-tasking | virtual memory | graphical user interface | boot loader | device driver | encryption | system call |