Wireless Network Hardware

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In computer networking, (Network Address Translation) is a technique used to translate addresses to addresses, enabling communication between devices within a (Local Area Network) and the internet. Private IP addresses are reserved for use within private networks, while public IP addresses are assigned to devices connected to the internet.

A , often implemented in the form of a , acts as the intermediary between the devices within the LAN and the outside world. It facilitates the translation of private IP addresses to public IP addresses, allowing information to flow seamlessly between the LAN and the internet.

To efficiently manage the allocation and assignment of IP addresses within a LAN, an system is commonly employed. This dynamic host configuration protocol, known as , is responsible for assigning private IP addresses to devices within the network. A is utilized to handle the IP address leasing process, ensuring that each device is uniquely identified on the network.

In addition to IP addressing, network security also relies on and measures. An is used to verify the identity of devices attempting to connect to a network. This process fosters a secure environment by ensuring that only authorized devices gain access to the network.


public ip | ip lease | nat | authentication protocol | dhcp server | integrity | gateway | dhcp | lan | authentication | private ip | router |