Glossary of Terms

Process Scheduling

Keyword Definition
Arrival Order The sequence in which tasks or processes arrive at the system for execution.
Arrival Time The time at which a process enters the system and is ready to be executed by the CPU.
Backfilling A scheduling technique where a job is allowed to run if resources become available before its designated start time.
Burst Time The amount of time a process requires to complete its execution without any interruption.
Context Switching The process of saving and restoring the state of a process when it is interrupted for execution by another process.
Execution Order The sequence in which tasks or processes are actually executed by the system.
Execution Time The amount of time a process takes to complete its execution.
First Come First Served Scheduling Scheduling policy where tasks are executed based on their arrival order, prioritizing tasks that arrive first.
Non-Preemptive A type of scheduling where a task cannot be interrupted and must complete its execution before another task can be executed.
Policy A set of rules or guidelines that dictate how a particular task or process should be carried out.
Preemption The act of temporarily suspending a process's execution to allow another process to run.
Preemptive A type of scheduling where a task can be interrupted and moved out of the CPU before it has completed its execution.
Process An instance of a running computer program that includes its current state and execution information.
Round Robin Process Scheduling A scheduling algorithm where each process is assigned a fixed time unit or quantum to execute before moving on to the next process in a circular manner.
Round Robin Scheduling A scheduling algorithm where each process is assigned a fixed time slice to execute before being moved to the back of the ready queue.
Scheduling The process of determining the order in which tasks are executed by a computer system.
Scheduling Algorithm A method used to determine the order in which processes are executed by the CPU based on certain criteria such as priority, fairness, and efficiency.
Starvation A situation where a process is denied CPU time due to the presence of higher priority processes.
Task A unit of work or activity that needs to be executed by a computer system.
Time Quantum The fixed time unit allocated to each process in a Round Robin scheduling algorithm.
Turnaround Time The total time taken by a process from arriving in the system to its completion.
Waiting Time The total time a process spends waiting in the ready queue before being executed.