Tokenization Training Corpus
Parameters Inference
Fine-Tuning Natural Language Processing
Transformer Overfitting


A large set of texts used to train a model to understand and generate language. The process of breaking text into smaller pieces, called tokens, which can be words or subwords.
The process of using a trained model to generate predictions or outputs based on new input data. The internal variables of a model that are adjusted during training to minimize prediction error.
A field of artificial intelligence that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. A method of further training a pre-trained model on a specific dataset to improve performance on a particular task.
A modeling error that occurs when a model learns the training data too well, failing to generalize to new data. An architecture that uses self-attention mechanisms to process and generate sequences of data.


Semantic Analysis Bag Of Words


Where a text is represented as an unordered collection of words. The process of interpreting the meaning of words and phrases in context.