Loop cards are a great game that can be played individually or as a class. They are perfect for review key vocabulary or questions at the end of a topic or when revising for an exam.
Cut out the cards from the paper horizontally (but don't cut them in half!) and then shuffle them.
Now start joining each question on the right hand side of the card to the matching answer on the next card.
Carry on until all the cards loop together and you have competed the game!
Hint: Make sure that you set your paper to portrait to print 4 cards per sheet of A4 paper.
A type of attack where the cryptanalyst has access to both the plaintext and its corresponding ciphertext
Frequency Analysis
The study of the frequency and distribution of letters or symbols in a text to help break a cipher.
Modulo Operator
A mathematical operation that finds the remainder when one integer is divided by another. The Vigenere Cipher uses this operator to perform its encryption and decryption operations.
Transposition Cipher
A cipher that rearranges the letters or symbols of a message without changing them.
A set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used to represent the basic sounds of a language.
Monoalphabetic Cipher
A substitution cipher in which each letter is replaced with a single, fixed symbol throughout the ciphertext.
Password Cracking
The process of recovering passwords from data that has been stored or transmitted in an encrypted or hashed form.
Account Lockout
A security feature that locks a user's account after a specified number of failed authentication attempts.
Rainbow Table
A precomputed table used in password cracking to reverse cryptographic hash functions and quickly determine the original password.
The encrypted message or data that is the result of an encryption process.