Loop cards are a great game that can be played individually or as a class. They are perfect for review key vocabulary or questions at the end of a topic or when revising for an exam.
Cut out the cards from the paper horizontally (but don't cut them in half!) and then shuffle them.
Now start joining each question on the right hand side of the card to the matching answer on the next card.
Carry on until all the cards loop together and you have competed the game!
Hint: Make sure that you set your paper to portrait to print 4 cards per sheet of A4 paper.
Internet Protocol version 6, the most recent version of the Internet Protocol, designed to succeed IPv4.
Domain Registrar
An organization or company that manages the reservation and registration of domain names for individuals or businesses.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol, the protocol used for transmitting hypermedia documents on the World Wide Web.
Global computer network providing information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
IP Address
A numerical label is given to every device connected to a computer network that utilizes the Internet Protocol for communication.
Persistent Cookie
A type of HTTP cookie that is stored on the user's computer for a longer period of time and remains even after closing the web browser.
Internet Protocol Version 6
The most recent version of the Internet Protocol, designed to succeed IPv4.
DNS Resolver
A server that translates domain names into IP addresses.
An HTTP method is employed to retrieve data from a server, commonly utilized for requesting web pages.
Organizational containers within an email client where users can categorize and store their email messages.