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What is the main disadvantage of bubble sort?
What is a bubble sort?
Can Bubble Sort be used to sort strings?
Bubble sort is not suitable for sorting large datasets because:
What is the best-case time complexity of bubble sort?
The time complexity of bubble sort algorithm is
Bubble sort is an example of a
sorting algorithm.
For Bubble Sort with n elements, we need to repeat the process for
What is the space complexity of Bubble Sort?
Bubble sort algorithm is a simple and easy-to-understand
Bubble Sort
What is the complexity of bubble sort in terms of space requirements?
Bubble Sort can be optimized by introducing a
variable to track the largest element moved.
What is the main disadvantage of in-place sorting algorithms?
Average-Case Performance
Bubble sort is an example of which type of sorting algorithm?
What is the time complexity of bubble sort algorithm?