FAQs are helpful for addressing common questions, but they may not cover all possible .

User manuals provide detailed instructions on how to use a product, but users may find them or overwhelming at times.

Forums can be valuable because they allow users to share knowledge and experiences with each other, but a downside is that the information shared may not always be or trustworthy.

Some learners appreciate video tutorials for their ability to condense complex topics into explanations.

A troubleshooting guide is a form of user documentation that helps users identify and solve common they may encounter.

A frequently asked questions (FAQ) section is a useful form of user documentation that addresses common user .

Knowledge bases are a great resource for finding information, but they may not always be in a user-friendly way.

One common type of user documentation is the user , which provides detailed instructions on how to use a product.

Forums allow for community interaction, but users should be cautious of potentially or inaccurate information shared.

Tooltips are convenient for providing on-the-spot guidance, but they can be frustrating if they appear too .

One drawback of video tutorials is that they can sometimes be due to external noise or interruptions.