A potential drawback of Round Robin scheduling is inefficient utilization of the CPU when there are many short processes due to frequent context

Backfilling scheduling can help improve the overall of a system by reducing idle times.

One advantage of Round Robin scheduling is that it provides in terms of process execution times

First come first served scheduling is a non-preemptive scheduling algorithm, which means that once a process starts running, it cannot be stopped until it its execution.

Backfilling scheduling allows jobs to be executed out of order as long as they do not delay the execution of higher jobs.

The time slice used in Round Robin scheduling is typically small to ensure process execution

Round Robin scheduling is a pre-emptive algorithm, meaning that the operating system can forcibly stop a process and switch to the next one after the time is up

Another term for Round Robin scheduling is scheduling

Arrival time in time-sharing systems determines the order in which processes are executed. The process with the earliest arrival time is given .