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What is the advantage of First Come First Served Scheduling?
What is the primary goal of managing burst time in operating systems?
In First Come First Served Scheduling, which process gets executed first?
What determines the order in which processes are executed in First Come First Served Scheduling?
What is the purpose of Round Robin scheduling?
How does the concept of starvation affect the performance of a scheduling algorithm?
What is the main disadvantage of First Come First Served Scheduling?
What is Round Robin scheduling?
What happens if a process does not finish within its time quantum in Round Robin scheduling?
Which of the following statement is true regarding First Come First Served Scheduling?
What is the definition of burst time in operating systems?
What is the scheduling policy where the process that arrives first is the one that gets executed first?
How does Round Robin scheduling compare to First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) scheduling?
Which scheduling algorithm is prone to 'Convoy Effect'?
How does Round Robin scheduling prevent starvation?